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Storage class

The Storage class is a utility class responsible for managing file storage and retrieval for templates in a local store.


  • $homeDir: The path to the main directory for storing templates and related files.
  • $tempDir: The path to the directory for storing temporary files.
  • $templateDir: The path to the directory for storing template files.
  • $store: The path to the file that stores metadata about the templates in the global store.



The constructor initializes the Storage object and sets up the directory structure if it doesn’t exist.

save(string $filename, ?string $alias = null, ?string $bundle = null): bool

Saves a template to the global store. It takes the following parameters:

  • $filename: The path to the template file.
  • $alias (optional): The alias to save the template under, instead of the name defined inside the template.
  • $bundle (optional): The bundle name, if the template is part of a bundle.

Returns true if the save is successful, false otherwise.

saveBundle(object $bundleObject, string $format = 'json'): bool

Saves a bundle of templates to the global store. It takes the following parameters:

  • $bundleObject: An object containing the bundle information.
  • $format: The format of the bundle file (default is β€˜json’).

Returns true if the save is successful, false otherwise.

getBasename(string $path): string

Returns the basename of a file. It takes the following parameter:

  • $path: The path to the file.

download(string $identifier, string $filename, string $content): mixed

Downloads a template and saves it to the global store. It takes the following parameters:

  • $identifier: The identifier for the template.
  • $filename: The filename for the template.
  • $content: The content of the template.

Returns the number of bytes written to the file, or false on failure.

remove(string $name): bool

Removes a template from the global store. It takes the following parameter:

  • $name: The name under which the template is stored.

Returns true if removed successfully, false otherwise.

saveFolder(string $path): ?int

Saves all templates from a folder to the global store. It takes the following parameter:

  • $path: The path to the folder.

Returns the number of saved templates or null on failure.

getContent(string $name): string

Returns the content of a template, or false if the template is not found. It takes the following parameter:

  • $name: The name under which the template is stored.

load(string $name): ?object

Loads a template from the global store and returns an object with properties filename (filename of the template) and contents (contents of the template), or null if not found. It takes the following parameter:

  • $name: The name under which the template is stored.

getFilename(string $name): ?string

Returns the filename of the template from the local store, or null if not found. It takes the following parameter:

  • $name: The name under which the template is stored.

getFullPath(string $name): ?string

Returns the full canonicalized path of the template, or null if not found. It takes the following parameter:

  • $name: The name under which the template is stored.

listAll(): object

Retrieves all templates from the global store and returns them as an object containing key-value pairs of template names and their corresponding filenames.

  • Returns: An object containing all the templates as [name => filename].

isBundle(string $filename): bool

Checks if a given template is a bundle by analyzing its filename.

  • Parameters:
    • $filename: The name of the template file.
  • Returns: true if the template is a bundle, and false otherwise.